
Il software di acquisizione dati RITTER "RIGAMO" per Microsoft Windows permette l'acquisizione fino a 24 contatori di gas RITTER, dei dati di volume e portata. Supporta la visualizzazione grafica e tabellare dei dati di misura e l'esportazione dei dati memorizzati in Microsoft Excel®.

Table of Contents


  • Windows software for data acquisition of gas volume and flow rate from up to 24 RITTER Gas Meters to a PC USB port.
  • Support of multi-core processors
  • Graphical and tabular display of measurement data
  • Storing of data
  • Print out (separately or in any combination) of Diagram / Test parameters / Measured values in tabular form
  • Export of stored data to Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet (Excel 2003 or higher)
  • Automatic correction of the dynamic (flow rate dependent) measurement error (MGC only)

Please note: »RIGAMO« can only started once at a time on a single PC.

No support of bi-directional recognition of the measuring drum rotation with Pulse Generator V4.01


Main Window (Data Window)

RITTER RIGAMO Software Hauptfenster Screenshot
  • Area 1: Display of port status
  • Area 2: Tabular display of data for respective ports in real time
  • Area 3: Tick boxes for display »show« / »no show« of graphs
  • Area 4: Indicator for online / offline display of graphs
  • Area 5: Diagrams for gas volume and flow rate
  • Area 6: Indicator of processor load status and »SIM« connection status
  • Area 7: Buttons »Start/Stop« of data acquisition
  • Area 8: Menu item “Diagram” for displaying diagram related settings

Diagram Settings

RITTER RIGAMO Software Diagrammeinstellungen Screenshot
  • Area 1: Selection of graph updating mode (automatically/manually)
  • Area 2: Number of last measurement data to show in diagram
  • Area 3: Dimensions of diagram axes

Please note: The illustrations shown above represent RIGAMO Software V 3.2 Beta. The user interface of previous versions may differ. For further information, please refer to the documentation provided with the software.

System Requirements

  • 1 porta USB disponibile
  • Contatore del gas con generatore di impulsi incorporato (standard MilliGascounter)
  • Signal Interface Module »SIM« (opzione)
  • Licenza (chiave hardware) per il numero richiesto di contatori del gas collegati
  • Sistema operativo: Windows® XP / Vista / 7/8/10
  • Microsoft Excel® 2003 o versioni successive per l’esportazione dei dati in Excel®
  • Prestazioni del processore consigliate: ≥ 1,5 GHz
  • Memoria ad accesso casuale (RAM): ≥500 MB
  • 2 porte USB libere (1 porta per acquisizione dati, 1 porta per la chiave hardware di licenza)
  • Monitor 17 “(ottimizzato per una risoluzione di 1280x 1024 pixel o superiore)

Notare che: Nessun altro software National Instruments deve essere installato sul rispettivo computer in quanto potrebbe essere in conflitto con il software RIGAMO.

Non è possibile utilizzare un convertitore standard »da USB a RS232« per il collegamento alla porta COM.

Display Example

E. g. data acquisition from 3 gas meters; red graphs: volume; blue graphs: flow rates
RITTER RIGAMO Software Anzeige-Beispiel Screenshot

Data Export to Excel

System requirement: Microsoft Excel® 2003 or a later version

Export example of four data files:

RITTER RIGAMO Software - data export to Excel Screenshot

The data of each data file (parameters plus measurement data) are exported into a separate table. Additionally, a blank table is created with the name of the export file (see red mark in the window above).

Configuration Example

Schematic of a completed configuration of RITTER Gas Meter, Signal Interface Module (»SIM«), PC and RIGAMO

(Example for connection of 4 gas meters)

Schematic representation - configuration of RITTER Gas Meters, RIGAMO & SIM